Private School Preparation Exams: ISEE, SSAT, and HSPT

To get into private schools, you'll need to take either the SSAT, ISEE, or HSPT. Different schools may have different preferences, so it's best to ask the schools you’re applying to which test they prefer. If you’re not sure which test is right for you, Tutorition can guide you. These tests are often the first big exams students face, and parents can feel unsure about the whole process.

Benefits of an excellent ISEE, SSAT, or HSPT prep tutor

At Tutorition, online tutors know how important tests like the SSAT, ISEE, and HSPT are for getting into middle or high school. Our prep courses help your students find and fix any problems they have with the test material or test-taking skills.

Our tutors also offer extra help in subjects like math, science, reading, and writing if your student needs it. Preparing for these tests helps your student feel more confident and learn useful skills. By working hard and practicing, they can improve their test-taking skills and set themselves up for future success.

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Tutorition's Approach to ISEE, SSAT, and HSPT Prep

  • Our experienced tutors have a proven track record of guiding students to success on these exams.
  • We use tests to find out where your student can improve.
  • Students get to practice with full-length official tests and receive detailed feedback on their scores.
  • Our lessons focus on building the important skills needed for the test.
  • We teach techniques to handle test anxiety, manage time, and set realistic goals.

Confused about which test to take or how to plan for it? Schedule a test prep consultation today!

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The ISEE, or Independent School Entrance Exam, is a crucial test for students seeking admission to independent schools. For grades 2-4, there are grade-specific tests, while grades 5-12 take the exam at three levels: Lower (grades 5-6), Middle (grades 7-8), and Upper (grades 9-12).

We provide thorough preparation programs for the Lower, Middle, and Upper level exams. Younger students (grades 2-4) can receive customized test preparation or other academic support as needed. Our proprietary ISEE programs are designed to give students the tools and confidence they need to succeed on test day.

About the SSAT

The tests come in three levels: Elementary for Grades 3 and 4, Middle Level for Grades 5 to 7, and Upper Level for Grade 8 and higher. These exams are given monthly from October through April. There are also Flex exams available through other providers at an additional cost.


The HSPT (High School Placement Test) is used to determine placement for students applying to ninth grade, especially for admission into parochial schools. It is administered directly at the school where you are applying.

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